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Quick Start

This guide will help you quickly set up and customize your mobile app project using the Flex Storefront accelerator.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Flutter (latest stable version)
  • Mason CLI
  • Git
  • Your preferred IDE (we recommend VS Code or Android Studio)

Read the requirements section for full setup instructions.

Installation Steps

1. Install Mason CLI

If you haven’t already installed Mason CLI, run:

Terminal window
# Activate mason_cli
dart pub global activate mason_cli

2. Create Your Project

Terminal window
# Create a new directory for your project
mkdir my_storefront
cd my_storefront
# Initialize Mason
mason init
# Add the flex_storefront brick
mason add flex_storefront --git-url --git-path bricks/storefront/

Running the above command will automatically install the flex_storefront brick in the current workspace and update the mason.yaml:

url: ''
path: 'bricks/storefront/'

Now, you can use the make command to generate the storefront code from the brick:

Terminal window
# Generate your project
mason make flex_storefront

If the brick was installed successfully, you should see the Flutter project structure files and folders. We can now install the app dependencies:

Terminal window
flutter pub get

Let’s go ahead and run your Storefront App! You’re now ready to start development 🎉

Flex Storefront

What’s next?

Set environment variables

In order for Flex Storefront to connect to your backend Commerce instance, you will need to provide certain environment variables.

Understanding the folder structure

Coming soon.